Emergency Closing

The decision to close school for snow, ice, or other emergency conditions is made to protect the safety and well-being of students and employees. The decision to close or dismiss school early is made in anticipation of unsafe conditions. In cases of early dismissal, the media will be notified as soon as a decision has been made.

Please keep in mind that Howe ISD will not send out or post notification to confirm school is in session. Parents, employees and students should assume a normal school day unless notified otherwise.

Automated Phone Calling System

The Thrillshare automated phone calling system will be utilized in the event of a delay or school closure. This system allows the District to communicate its emergencies, like weather closures, to its staff and parents directly to their home phone and personal cell phones. In order for this to be as efficient as possible, we need you to help us keep our files updated by providing the current phone number(s) where you prefer to receive this information.

If you recently changed phone numbers and have not notified the district, please make certain your information is accurate by contacting the registrar at your child's campus or completing the form below.

Television | Radio Stations

Texoma-area media outlets do a stellar job of informing our citizens on school closings due to weather conditions. Please check radio and television stations listed below for information on severe weather closings.

Other Howe ISD Outlets

Information on emergency closings will also be posted on our website as well as all social media outlets as soon as it becomes available.