Spring Break is next week! Have a safe and relaxing week!
7 days ago, Howe ISD
Spring Break 2025
The Howe ISD Board of Trustees recently voted unanimously to place a $32 million bond on the ballot for the upcoming May election. If approved, the bond will fund key improvements, including the second phase of construction at Summit Hill Elementary School, which will provide additional classroom space and a gym to accommodate the area’s growing population. The bond will also support land acquisition for future school sites and the replacement of the High School roof. Here are 5 bond facts!
8 days ago, HoweISD
5 Bond Facts
The Howe ISD Board of Trustees recently voted unanimously to place a $32 million bond on the ballot for the upcoming May election. If approved, the bond will fund key improvements shown below!
9 days ago, HoweISD
Howe ISD nurses want to extend a huge thank you to the incredible local churches who have generously donated hygiene supplies. Your thoughtful contributions are making a real impact, providing our students with the essential items they need to feel confident and cared for. Your kindness goes beyond just supplies. It strengthens our community and shows the true spirit of giving. We are so thankful for your continued support and for helping us ensure that every student has what they need to succeed!
11 days ago, Howe ISD
Camp Invention is Coming to Howe ISD! This is open to all students, K-6, from Howe and other surrounding schools. If interested, please do not let the cost of the camp scare you away! There is a code for a $40 discount, and payment plans are available! We are also working on getting a grant to lower the cost for all students who sign up. This discount would depend on the amount of grant money received and the number of camp attendees. Additionally, we have a crowdfunding link set up so anyone can donate to help offset the total cost of the camp, bringing individual fees down as well. Link to Crowdfunding Site: https://fundraise.givesmart.com/vf/CampInvent2025/team/CTX251121625 Please share this post to help promote this opportunity! For questions or more information, please contact Floyd Webb: webb.floyd@howeisd.net.
14 days ago, Howe ISD
Camp Invention-English
Camp Invention- Spanish
Please see attached information regarding nominations for the Howe ISD Gifted & Talented Program.
18 days ago, Howe ISD
GT Nominations
More information will be available soon on the Howe ISD website.
21 days ago, Howe ISD
Bond 2025
FYI: HMS Cheer Tryouts happening soon!
24 days ago, Howe ISD
HMS Cheer
***Title 1 Parent Involvement Meeting Cancelled*** Title 1 Parent involvement meeting is cancelled tonight due to inclement weather. Please click here for the meeting presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UFRhdASEbtD1hNf5apDcYbx9uWIfZTZD/view?usp=sharing
24 days ago, HoweISD
supporting reading aaa
Happy Presidents' Day! We hope you are enjoying your long weekend. We will see you back in school tomorrow, Bulldogs!
25 days ago, HoweISD
pres day
See the attached flyer for an amazing opportunity coming to Howe this summer! For questions, please contact webb.floyd@howeisd.net
28 days ago, Howe ISD
Camp Invention-English
Camp Invention- Spanish
Not sure what to do for dinner? Howe ISD PTO recommends Texas Roadhouse DINE TO DONATE. Tonight, Tuesday, February 4th from 3-10 pm. Show the flyer and we receive 10%.
about 1 month ago, Clarissia Doty
Make plans to attend a general PTO Meeting on Mon. Jan. 27th (6 pm) at Summit Hill Elementary.
about 2 months ago, Clarissia Doty
Last Chance!!! January 31 is your last opportunity to purchase the Howe ISD All-School yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year. Visit jostensyearbooks.com to purchase your yearbook today! @NTX_yearbooks
about 2 months ago, Howe ISD
Last Chance
Friendly reminder that there is no school for students on Monday, January 20. The district will be open for a staff development day.
about 2 months ago, Howe ISD
MLK Jr Day
A note from our district nurses:
about 2 months ago, Howe ISD
Dear Parent: Howe ISD is sharing this information about the district and your child’s campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website at this link: https://www.howeisd.net/page/accountability-reports or are also available on the Texas Education Agency’s website at: https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/accountability/academic-accountability/performance-reporting/federal-report-cards. Estimado padre: Howe ISD comparte esta información sobre el distrito y el campus de su hijo con usted como parte de sus obligaciones según la Ley federal Every Student Succeeds de 2015 (ESSA). Las boletas de calificaciones federales para el estado, el distrito y cada uno de los campus del distrito ahora están disponibles en el sitio web del distrito en este enlace: https://www.howeisd.net/page/accountability-reports o también están disponibles en Texas Education Sitio web de la agencia en: https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/accountability/academic-accountability/performance-reporting/federal-report-cards.
about 2 months ago, HoweISD
Howe ISD has partnered with Grayson County Children's Advocacy Center to present the Play It Safe program to our students. A parent preview night will take place on Tuesday, January 14th at 5:30pm via zoom. Please see the link for the zoom below. Parent letters to opt their student into these presentations will be going home in the next week. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86004137644?pwd=s3rnsVIf01sovGCvu8wbNgTSb29Bb4.1
about 2 months ago, Howe ISD
Parent Preview Night
Due to inclement weather, all Howe ISD campuses and offices will be closed on Friday 1/10/2025. Stay safe and warm Bulldogs!
2 months ago, HoweISD
Due to inclement weather, all schools and offices will be closed tomorrow, 1/9/2025. We will continue to monitor the weather and communicate all updates through our website, social media channels and local news media.
2 months ago, HoweISD
winter alert